Test/Cheat Commands

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

When hosting practice match, you'll need to "enable cheats" for these to work.
When in game, press enter and type.

Command Example Equivalent Console Command Description/Notes
-lvlup n -lvlup 25 dota_hero_level n Levels up your hero
-levelbots n -levelbots 5 dota_bot_give_level n Levels up all bots
-gold n -gold 15000 dota_give_gold Gives you gold
-refresh -refresh dota_hero_refresh Resets cooldowns and gives full hp/mana
-respawn -respawn dota_hero_respawn Respawns your hero
-spawncreeps -spawncreeps dota_spawn_creeps Spawns creeps instantly
-spawnneutrals -spawnneutrals dota_spawn_neutrals Spawns neutrals instantly
Disables lane creep spawning. Use -enablecreepspawn to undo this change.
-startgame -startgame dota_start_game Sets timer to 0:00, creeps spawns...game starts.
Gives vision for both teams. Use -normalvision to undo this change.
-killcreeps -killcreeps dota_kill_creeps Kill all creeps.
-killwards -killwards dota_killwards Destroys all wards.
Removes cooldown, Mana cost etc. Use -unwtf to undo this change.
-dumpbots -dumpbots dota_bot_dump_state Displays AI status.
-timescale n
-createhero <unit_name> [enemy] -createhero npc_dota_hero_lion
-createhero npc_dota_hero_lion enemy
-createhero npc_dota_goodguys_siege

Creates specified unit [as enemy]

List 1: npc_heroes.txt
List 2: npc_units.txt
This command does not really behave the way it should. Details here.
-item <item_name> -item item_blink dota_create_item <item_name> Gives specified item

List: items.txt
-givebots <item_name> -givebots item_blink dota_bot_give_item <item_name> Give all bots the specified item.

List: See above.
-ping -ping dota_ping Displays ping time with server.

If you know more commands/console commands, please let me know. I will add them in here.

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